Promoting rural tourism in Sabah via train travel series

Sabah Published 10 months ago on 6 May 2024 | Author TIN Media

As the information chief for Parti Bersatu Sabah Api-Api Division Yee Tsai Yiew pointed out as she boarded a train from here to the furthest reaches of Tenom, the Sabah Railway is more than just a means of transportation.
"I think there is a lot of unrealized potential in encouraging both domestic and international travelers to take the train. Yiew added, "We should be proud that Sabah has the only railway system in the entire Borneo island since 1896," following the premiere of her travel series on YouTube called "Sabah for Yiew."
Through her videos, she hopes to introduce viewers from both domestic and foreign markets— especially tourists—to the state's unique features and inspire people to discover Sabah's hidden beauty via rail.
"We also hope to raise awareness through the film that the rail service is a lifeline for many, particularly in the interior where access to roads is scarce, and not just another form of transportation.
"A strong and complete rail network has the potential to boost rural tourism and act as a catalyst for economic expansion. In order to better serve the needs of rural transportation, I personally wish that our current railway line can be extended to connect neighboring towns and villages," Yiew continued.
Currently, the Sabah State Railway Department is the only train operator in Borneo island, running a single 134-kilometer route from Tanjung Aru to Tenom town.
Additionally, Yiew encouraged the Federal Ministry of Transport to back Sabah State Railway's intentions to upgrade its facilities and level of service, saying that Sabahans should have access to a safe, reliable, and effective rail system on par with that of Peninsular Malaysia.
Every Friday, the YouTube series "Sabah for Yiew - Train series" will be released. It follows trains as they travel to Papar, Beaufort, and Tenom.