Century-old gold mine in Kampung Kalai will be converted to tourist attraction

Kelantan Published 5 years ago on 29 January 2020 | Author TIN Media

A French mining company is operating the almost century-old gold mine in Kampung Kalai and will be converted into a new tourist attraction in Kelantan.

District officer Nik Raisnan, Daud said the state would be encouraged to attract more tourists to four 95 meter tunnels found at the mining site.

"The French mining company possibly constructed other gold mining tunnels in the region in 1931, before the Second World War.

"The 100% man-made tunnel still has a strong foundation and is not constructed with support structures such as timber, cement or stone but still sturdy and lasts for some of the tunnel's unique features," he said.

Nik Raisnan said that in the near future the tunnels will be open to visitors.